So Friday (Sept. 10) I finished two books. The second in the 'Blue Bloods' series and the fourth in the 'Private' series.

Photo Credit : Masquerade Photo Credit : Random Buzzers
BTW, If you are also a fan of the 'Private' series, be sure to check out the web series!
You can watch online or buy the dvd at Amazon! You should watch it, it's soo good!
So I finished Blue Bloods Friday after starting it like Wednesday or Thursday or something... then I started and finished Private right after Blue Bloods on Friday. I read it in one day.
It was sooooo good! haha (:
And since then, I've started Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francis Lelord.
It's very cute and I like it so far!
And I had to mention one more book that I finally took the time to sit down and read/skim through today.
Debt-Free U by Zac Bissonnette.
Photo Credit : Amazon
It's so insightful! Zac has a great writing style and really seems to know the ins and outs of going to college.
This is the ultimate college guide! (for paying for college).
He explains the loopholes of the FAFSA and basically how to budget for school so you can emerge debt-free! What a great idea, right?
So be sure to check out this book, you will learn a lot from a guy who was on the inside!
So that's my post for this week. School and other activities are keeping me busy, but I will still try to update lots! (:
Till next time!
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